“Divination in Exile”: New publication by Dr. Alexander K. Smith

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Copyright: Brill

Dr. Alexander Smith, who used to worked at SDAC as Deputy Professor, has recently published his book on the interdisciplinary approaches to ritual prognostication in the Tibetan Bon tradition.

In Divination in Exile, Alexander K. Smith offers the first comprehensive scholarly introduction to the performance of divination in Tibetan speaking communities, both past and present. While Smith surveys a variety of ritual practices, the volume focuses on divination and its associated rites in the contemporary Tibetan Bon tradition. Drawing from multi-site ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Himachal Pradesh and the translation of previously unpublished Tibetan language materials, Divination in Exile offers a valuable, social scientific contribution to our understanding of the perception and usage of ritual manuscripts in contemporary Tibetan cultural milieus.

For more information click here or visit the publisher’s website.

Dr. Alexander Smith

Former Deputy Professor at Elite Master Program "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures"

Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations Chair of Chinese Studies (Prof. Dr. Lackner)