Anna Schneider

Anna Schneider, M.A.

Elite Master Program "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures"

Department Alte Welt und Asiatische Kulturen
Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations

Room: Room 02.275
Henkestraße 91, Haus 8
91052 Erlangen

Office hours

Each week We, 16:00 - 17:00, Please make an appointment prior to your visit

Curriculum Vitae

Anna Schneider is a sociologist with a focus on multispecies relations, studies of alterity and otherness, and qualitative methods. She completed her doctoral studies with a focus on human-nonhuman animal interactions at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) in 2022 and is currently working as a senior lecturer at the interdisciplinary study program Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures (SDAC).

Research Interests and Memberships

Culture Sociology/Qualitative Research/Human Animal Studies/Multispecies Studies and Methods/Decision-Making/Gender Studies/Medical Sociology/Digital Social Sciences/Resilience

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
  • Nachwuchsforschernetzwerk Cultural and Literary Animal Studies (CLAS)
  • Minding Animals International
  • AriadnePhil Mentoring, FAU
  • IZdigital, Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Digitale Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, FAU


Winter semester 2022/23

Seminar: Academic Writing (SDAC)

Seminar: The Gender Perspective: Understanding the Impact of Social Factors on Decision-making (Id) (SDAC)

Summer semester 2022

Seminar: Sociology II: Unequal Outcomes: The Effect of Gender on Health and Health Decision-Making (SDAC)

Seminar: Soziologische Zugänge zur Multispeziesgesellschaft. Eine Einführung in Theorie und Methodik (FAU, Department for Sociology)

Winter semester 2021/22

Seminar: Sociology I: The Gender Perspective – Understanding the Impact of Social Factors on Decision Making (SDAC)

Seminar: Interdisciplinary Methodologies. Introduction to Sociological Methods

Winter semester 2020/21

Seminar: The Digital Age and Internet-mediated Research (FAU, Department for Sociology)

Summer semester 2020

Seminar: Sociology II: Decision-Making and Digital Sociology (SDAC)

Winter semester 2019/20

Seminar: Sociology I: Introduction to Cultural Sociology (SDAC)

Seminar: Interdisciplinary Methodologies. Introduction to Sociological Methods

Summer semester 2019

Seminar: The Influence of Social Contexts on Decision-Making (SDAC)

Individual Master Thesis Tutorial

Winter semester 2018/19

Seminar: The Role of Culture in Decision-Making (SDAC)

Winter semester 2016/2017

Seminar: Human-Animal-Studies (FAU, Department for Sociology)


Peer-reviewed Journals

2022 “Urbanizing pets or animaling the city: The status of semi-public animals in more-than-human environments”, In: The Exeter Anthrozoology as Symbiotic Ethics Working Paper Series, Special Edition, Emerging Voices: The Proceedings of Anthrozoology as International Practice (AIP). (forthcoming)

Book Chapters

2021 “Übergriffige Sprache. Die Dekonstruktion des animalischen
Subjekts im interspezifischen Dialog”, In: Schmidt-Jüngst, Miriam (Hg.), Mensch – Tier – Maschine. Praktiken an und jenseits der Außengrenze des Humanen, Bielefeld: transcript, S. 229-244.LINK

2021 “Der Leib, der Leiden schafft. Sprache, Leib und Ethik in der
Transspezies-Kommunikation“, In: Bosch, Aida, Joachim Fischer, Gugutzer, Robert (Hg.) Körper – Leib – Sozialität. Philosophische Anthropologie und Leibphänomenologie: Helmuth Plessner und Hermann Schmitz im Dialog, Wiesbaden: Springer VS. LINK Springer


2022 „Tiere in der Soziologie“, In: Thieme, Theresa: Begleitband zur Ausstellung „Tierische Gefährten? Von Pferden, Hunden und Tauben in Jena“ des Jena Stadtmuseums. (forthcoming)

2022 „Regaining memories with the help of Jaime“, In: Kogan, Lori (Hg.),The Gifts We Receive from Animals –Stories to Warm the Heart. London: Routledge. (forthcoming)


2022 “Save the Species? The Danger of Speciesism, Symbolism and Spirituality in Animal Activism”, Human-Animal Relations in the Anthropocene: Between the Personal and the Political, The Community for Human-Animal-Studies Israel (HASI) | The Israeli Anthropological Association.

2022 “Tierspuren im Krieg. Eine Einführung aus der Soziologie”, Interdisziplinäre Vorlesungsreihe “Tierspuren. Mehr als menschliche Welten in Medien, Literatur und Gesellschaft”, FAU.

2021 “Der Leib, der uns verbindet. Die Philosophische Anthropologie zu Interspeziesbegegnungen”, Offene Tagung der Sektion Kultursoziologie | AK Philosophische Anthropologie und Soziologie, Universität Leipzig.

2021 “Das tierlich Andere, das tierlich Eigene. Zu Nähe und Distanz in Interspezies-Begegnungen”, Tag der Forschung, FAU.

2021 “Between your social setting and mine: A micro-analysis of goal-
oriented dog-owner-interactions”, The changing nature of human-animal relationships: Theory, research and practice, The International Society for Anthrozoology (ISAZ).

2021 “Urbanizing pets or animaling the city: Redefining the city as post-
human”, Human Animal Relations: Opportunities and Challenges in Changing Realities, The Community for Human-Animal-Studies Israel (HASI) | The Israeli Anthropological Association.

2021 “A matter of perception: The status of semi-public animals in human environments”, Anthrozoology as International Practice (AIP), University of Exeter.

2021 “Zwischen Instinkt und Konstrukt”, dissertation project, Colloquium, Cultural and Literary Animal Studies Network (CLAS).

2020 “Zwischen Instinkt und Konstrukt”, Cultural Sociology Colloquium Institute for Sociology, FAU.

2020 “Between what is and what is meant to be: The social narrative of the semi-public animal”, Animal Gaze Constructed, London Metropolitan University, London.

2019 “Übergriffige Sprache. Die Dekonstruktion des animalischen Selbst im interspezifischen Dialog”, Österreichische Linguistiktagung (ÖLT).

2019 “Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures. Der Elitemasterstudiengang stellt sich vor.”, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften, FAU.

2019 “Dog-owner-interaction in different social settings”, dissertation research project, Max-Planck-Institute for the Science of Human History, Jena.

2019 “Between agency and structure. Sociological approaches to decision-making”, Joint Workshop IKGF & SDAC “Rethinking interdisciplinary approaches to decision-making: Choice, culture and context”, FAU.