Dr. Ioan Trifu

Dr. Ioan Trifu

Senior Lecturer

Former Guest Lecturer at Elite Master Program "Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures"
Institute for Near Eastern and East Asian Languages and Civilizations

Henkestr.91, Haus 8, Stock 2
91052 Erlangen

Curriculum Vitae

Ioan Trifu is a political scientist and historian working on the transformation of the democratic state with a particular focus on Japan. His research examines topics such as political leadership, decision-making, and policy change by incorporating an institutional perspective as well as the emotional and symbolic dimensions of politics.


2021 – 2023 Part-time Lecturer, Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (National University of Languages and Civilizations, Paris), Department of Japanese Studies
2019 – 2021 Lecturer (Fixed-term contract), University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès (France), Department of Japanese Studies
March 2019 – Sept. 2019  Japan Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Seijo University (Japan), Faculty of Law 
2018 – 2019 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo (Japan)
2016 (Spring & Autumn) Visiting Researcher, Hitotsubashi University (Japan), Faculty of Law
2015 (Autumn) Visiting Researcher, Kyushu University (Japan), Faculty of Law
2014 – 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher at the Professorship of Japanese Law and Its Cultural Foundations as part of the interdisciplinary research project “Protecting the Weak: Entangled processes of framing, mobilization and institutionalization in East Asia”, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main
2013 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Lyon Institute of East Asian Studies (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
2011 – 2012 Research Assistant in the Global Center of Excellence (COE) “Gender Equality and Multicultural Conviviality in the Age of Globalization”, 

Tohoku University, Graduate School of Law

Research Associate at the Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo (Japan)

2009 – 2011 Research Student (Japanese Government Scholarship), Kobe University (Japan), Faculty of Law
2007 – 2009 Part-time Lecturer, Lumière-Lyon 2 University (Lyon Institute of Political Studies)


2013 Doctorate in Law (Legal and Political Studies) – Tohoku University (Japan) 
2013 Ph.D. in Political Science – Lumière Lyon 2 University (France)
2007 Graduated from the Intensive Japanese Language Program, Waseda University (Japan)
2006 Master’s degree in Political Science – Lyon Institute of Political Studies (Lumière Lyon 2 University)
2003 Bachelor’s degree in History – Lumière Lyon 2 University

Research Interests

Historical Sociology of the State

Political Leadership and Decision-making

Local Government and Multilevel Governance

Memory and Heritage Politics

Disaster and Climate Change Policies

Non-humans in Politics

Emotions and Policymaking

Regional focus: Japan

Comparative Politics (Japan/France)

Selected Publications

On memory and heritage politics:

2019, “When East Meets West: International Change and Its Effects on Domestic Cultural Institutions” (with Christina Maags), in Politics & Policy, Vol. 47, No. 2, pp. 326-380.

2019, “Pour une approche socio-historique de l’action publique patrimoniale dans le Japon d’après-guerre”, in Bouvard, Julien and Patin, Cléa (Eds.), Japon Pluriel 12. Autour de l’image : arts graphiques et culture visuelle au Japon, Arles, Editions Philippe Picquier, 2019, pp. 535-544.

2018, “Dealing with a Difficult Past: Japan, South Korea and the UNESCO World Heritage List”, in Rodenberg, Jeroen and Wagenaar, Pieter (Eds.), Cultural Contestation: Heritage, Identity and the Role of Government, London, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 197-217.

2018, “Protecting the Weak? Tracing UNESCO’s Influence on Intangible Cultural Heritage Regimes in Japan and China” (with Christina Maags), in Amelung, Iwo et alii (Eds.), Protecting the Weak in East Asia: Entangled processes of framing, mobilization and institutionalization, London and New York, Routledge, pp. 224-253.

2017, “Reform in Late Occupation Japan: The 1950 Law for the Protection of Cultural Properties”, in Journal of Japanese Law, Vol. 22, No. 43, pp. 205-230.

On disaster and climate change policies:

2023, “Le grand dévoilement ? Distinguer centres et périphéries à travers la politique des catastrophes au Japon”, in Henninger, Aline and Shimosakai, Mayumi (Eds.), Japon Pluriel 14. Périphéries et centres, Arles, Editions Philippe Picquier (forthcoming).

2023, “Les Japonais et le changement climatique”, in Boy, Daniel and Witkowski, Didier (Eds.), Une planète mobilisée ? L’opinion mondiale face au changement climatique, Paris, Observatoire international Climat et Opinions Publiques, pp. 186-191.

On local politics:

2013, “Prefectural Governors and Populism in Japan (1990s-2010s)”, in Acta Asiatica Varsoviensia, Vol. 26, pp. 61-83.

On non-humans in politics:

2023, “Panser les non-humains : protection animale et politique du “care” dans le Japon contemporain”, in de Loenzien, Myriam et alii (Eds.), Asie(s) en care, CNRS Éditions (forthcoming).

Teaching (Selection)

Friedrich Alexander Universität (FAU)


“Decision-making and Policy Process in Democratic Politics”

“Governing the Past in East Asia: Memory, History, Heritage”

Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO)

2021 – 2023

“Japanese Civilization 1: Japanese Geography and History”

“Japanese Civilization 2: Japanese History and Society”

“Japanese language 1”

“Japanese language 2”

“Reading in Japanese 2”

“Reading in Japanese 3”

“Translation from Japanese 1”

“Translation from Japanese 2”

University of Toulouse – Jean-Jaurès

2019 – 2021

“Translation from Japanese 1”

“Translation from Japanese 2”

“Reading in Japanese 1”

“Introduction to Japanese Politics”

“Contemporary Japanese Politics”

“The Heisei Era as History”

“Catastrophes and Politics: Rethinking the Modern History of Japan”

“Methodology of Social Sciences”