SDAC Guest Lecture Series: Prof. Dr. Matthias Gross

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Our next guest lecturer is Prof. Dr. Matthias Gross, who is the Head of the Department of Urban and Environmental Sociology at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig and, by joint appointment, Full Professor at the Institute of Sociology at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany. His lecture will explore decision-making processes under situations of ignorance or“nonknowledge” and how the concept of ignorance can be neutralized.

The lecture will be held in person, in room PSG I R 2.058, 2nd floor, Kochstr. 4, Erlangen, on Monday, June 5th, 4-6 pm (c.t.).

For more details, see the poster below. Please contact Prof. Dr. Jean-Baptiste Pettier ( in advance to register for this event.